lvon Yang

lvon Yang

Ivon's works involved green public welfare projects, commercial streets, shows, exhibitions, and graphic design.

Graduated from China Academy of Art in 2016.

From 2014 to 2017, he cooperated with a number of brands, spaces and visual design companies, His works involved green public welfare projects, commercial streets, hospitals, shows, exhibition halls, Internet commercial illustrations, and graphic design.

After 2018, he concentrated on contemporary art creation. He is a contract artist with Hi Art, Press Matter, Artand. His main focus is conceptual art, taste art and digital art. The themes of his works often revolve around social alienation and Zen philosophy. His published works include the awakening from a Dream" series"NUMERO" series, "From White to White" series, "Where Can the Dustalight" series, "Strawberry" series

In 2020, he began to explore the combination of blockchain technology, NFT, Al and art.