Read about our commitment to keeping your information secure

Last Updated: July 23, 2024
This Privacy Policy ("Policy")describes how LAC SHOP, Inc. d/b/a LAC SHOP (“LAC SHOP” or “LAC” or “we” or “our” or “us”) collects,stores, shares, and uses information, and your choices about privacy when youuse our website, products, and services (collectively, “Services”). Your privacy is important to us, and we ask that youread this Policy carefully to be informed about our practices.This Policy is part of our General Terms andConditions of Sale (“Terms andConditions”), which can be viewed at: The meaning of anycapitalised terms that are used but not defined in this Policy is the same asthat ascribed to them in our Terms and Conditions. By accessing or utilisingour Services in any capacity, you consent to the collection, storage, sharing,and utilisation of your information in accordance with the terms of this Policyand our Terms and Conditions.You areconsenting to the acquisition, use, and sharing of your Personal Information inaccordance with the terms of this Policy by utilising our Services. You havethe right to revoke your consent at any time in writing; however, thiswithdrawal does not affect our ability to process your data prior to yourwithdrawal.


Regardless ofwhether or not you register for a LAC SHOP account, this Policy applies to allof our Services. This Policy governs the manner in which we acquire, maintain,distribute, and utilise information. This Policy does not apply to any entitythat we do not own or control, nor to any individual that we do not employ ormanage. In the event that you are directed to a third-party site while usingour Services, you acknowledge and consent to the policies of the third-partysite. For the purpose of avoiding any misunderstanding, it is anticipated thatany third party with whom we share Personal Information will provide the sameor equivalent level of protection for Personal Information as outlined in thisPolicy.


Information You Provide: Wemay collect the information you provide (including your name, email address,home address, and phone number) or otherwise make available to us when youaccess or use our Services, including when you:

•       Completeany forms on our Services, such as those that are required when you make apurchase at LACSHOP, and update your personal information;
•       Thiscan include the information you provide on or through our Services, andinformation about how you access or use our Services, such as which featuresyou use and when you use them, as well as when you search for or view artworkor other items, follow artists, galleries, Make Offer, or otherwise performtransactions;
•      communicate with us.

InformationAutomatically Collected:
By accessing orutilising our Services, you consent to the automatic collection of certaininformation. Browser, operating system, device, and application identifiers, IPaddress, geolocation information, access times and dates, referring and exitpages and URLs, clickstream data, search terms, pages viewed, time spent onpages, bounce rate, and login frequency are among the examples.

Information from Cookies,Web Beacons and Similar Technologies:
Wemay collect information through the use of cookies, web beacons, and similartechnologies. For instance, these technologies assist us in the operation,enhancement, and customisation of our Services, Content, and marketing byenabling us to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how Users interactwith our Services, Content, emails, and advertisements. Additionally, we mayemploy third-party service providers (such as analytics or advertisingproviders) who may implement cookies, web beacons, and comparable technologiesto facilitate the operation of their services. You may have the ability todecline cookies in your browser preferences. However, please be aware thatcertain Services may not be accessible if you do so, as they rely on cookies tofunction adequately. Please refer to our Cookie Policy below for additionaldetails regarding the use of cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies.

Data from Other Sources:
Wemay acquire information about you from third-party partners (such as othercompanies with whom we may collaborate to offer services or organisepromotional events), third-party service providers, credit bureaus, or othersources, including but not limited to demographic information, contactinformation, open data, publicly available data, and credit check information.In addition to the other purposes outlined in this Policy, we may utilise thisinformation for legitimate business purposes, such as the performance of acontract, customer support, fraud prevention, and credit-related decisions inconnection with our Services.


The information we gather is essential for theoperation, enhancement, protection, and customisation of our Services, as wellas the development of new Services. We also utilise the information we obtainto enhance the efficiency of our Services for you and other Users and toprovide customer support.Our obligation is to provide you with a clearexplanation of the legitimate business purposes for the collection ofinformation and the rationale behind it, in order to enable you to make aninformed decision about the use of our Services. This is in the interest oftransparency.

We may utilise all of the information we collect fromor about you for the following purposes and reasons, in addition to the otheruses of information outlined in this Policy:
•       forthe purpose of providing our Services to you, including any additional Servicesthat we develop in the future (reason: legitimate business purpose andperformance of a contract);
•      to facilitate your communications ortransactions with us or other Users (reason: to obtain consent and for alegitimate business purpose);
•      to facilitate your communications ortransactions with us or other Users (reason: to obtain consent and for alegitimate business purpose);
•      to operate, enhance, and personaliseour Services, Content, and marketing, to create new Services, and to comprehendhow you interact with our Services and Content, as well as the products,services, and Content of others (reason: legitimate business purpose);
•      to create and present morepersonalised content and advertisements to you on or off our Services (reason:to obtain consent and for a legitimate business purpose);
•      to protect the public interest andfor legitimate business purposes, we may conduct investigations or riskassessments, verify actions taken by you or associated with your account, orassist in the detection, prevention, or resolution of fraud, security, ortechnical issues on our Services);
•      to address issues with you or use ofour Services, collect fees, send you updates about our Services or policies, orfor other purposes permitted by law (reason: performance of a contract and forlegitimate business purpose), we may contact you via email, postal mail,telephone, mobile devices, SMS text message, or as otherwise authorised by you);
•      to send you marketing communications,promotional messages, and offers regarding our Services and Content, as well asthe products, services, and Content of others (see below for information on howto opt out of receiving certain communications from us), we may contact you viaemail, postal mail, telephone, mobile devices, SMS text message, or asotherwise authorised by you (reason: to obtain consent and for legitimatebusiness purposes);
•      to facilitate your participation inpromotional events, sweepstakes, or contests sponsored or conducted by us or byothers in our partnership (reason: performance of a contract);
•      to enforce our Terms and Conditionsor any other LAC SHOP policies or agreements with Users, resolve disputes, orcomply with our legal obligations (reason: compliance with a legal obligation);
•      to execute additional functions asspecified during the collection or request of the information, or for otherpurposes with your prior consent (reason: legitimate business purpose).


We offer registered Users the ability to configuretheir preferences regarding the communications they receive from us through ourServices. If you prefer not to receive marketing emails from us, you mayunsubscribe by using the unsubscribe link in the email you received, updatingyour preferences, or sending an email to You maybe unable to opt out of receiving certain communications from us, such asemails regarding your relationship with us or your transactions with us or otherUsers. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you require any additional information. Pleasebe advised that the unsubscription from our communications may lead to a lessrobust experience of our Services.


In accordance with our Terms and Conditions, certainServices may permit you to submit User Content on or through our Services. UserContent that is posted or published on our Services becomes publicly accessibleon our Services (and may also be indexed by and accessible through third-partysearch engines). We and other Users may access and use the User Content inaccordance with our Terms and Conditions. This includes information containedin images or videos. This applies regardless of whether you or anotherindividual also provides us with such information through alternative methods.Our utilisation of such information may have been more restricted under thisPolicy if it was exclusively provided to us through such alternative methods.It is your responsibility to verify that you have the legal right to discloseany information about others that you may disclose to us or to others throughour Services.


Personal Information.
In this Policy, "Personal Information"refers to information that can be used to identify or contact a specific person(e.g., a person's name, email address, postal address, or phone number).Personal Information does not include information that has been aggregated orrendered anonymous to the extent that it can no longer be reasonably used toidentify or contact a specific person. In certain instances, PersonalInformation may also encompass information that you voluntarily provide to us,such as the artists and galleries you choose to follow. We will only discloseyour Personal Information to third parties in the manners outlined in thisPolicy, or with your explicit consent. In addition to the other sharing ofPersonal Information outlined in this Policy, we may disclose your PersonalInformation to third parties in the following circumstances.

•      Service Providers: Wemay enter into contracts with third-party service providers who assist us inthe provision of our Services or who perform services for us in connection withour Services. These service providers may process your Personal Information asrequired to fulfil their responsibilities. Identity verification, documentauthentication, public database review, order fulfilment, package delivery,payment processing, bill collection, fraud investigation, email and postal mailadministration, customer service assistance, web and mobile data analytics,display ads, and server and database hosting services are among the examplesthat may be provided. We do not sell your Personal Information to our ServiceProviders, for the purpose of being clear.
•      Legal Purposes: Wemay access, preserve, and disclose your Personal Information and/or otherinformation if we believe that such access, preservation, or disclosure isreasonably necessary to: (i) comply with any law, regulation, legal process, orgovernmental request (such as search warrants, subpoenas, or court orders),which may include responding to legal requests from jurisdictions outside theUnited States; (ii) enforce our Terms and Conditions or our other policies oragreements with Users, or investigate potential violations; (iii) detect,prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues; (iv)protect or enforce the rights or property of LAC SHOP, you, or any other personor entity; or (v) prevent physical harm to any person, including situationsinvolving possible violence or self-harm.


We may aggregate and/or anonymize any PersonalInformation that we have acquired in any manner from or about you or others,thereby ensuring that the information is no longer containing any PersonalInformation. We have the right to use and share any aggregated, anonymous, orother non-personally identifying information for any legitimate businesspurpose, including research and development, marketing, and to inform othersabout how our Services or Content are engaged with or used.


Payment information, including the type, expirationdate, and credit card number, may be required when you register for specificServices or utilise our marketplace. We do not knowingly retain credit cardinformation that is entered into our Services. The use and storage of thisinformation will be governed by the terms of service and privacy policy of thethird-party payment processor that stores it. We do receive specificinformation from the payment processor, such as a unique token that weassociate with you to authorise your purchases and, in certain cases, the lastfour digits of the credit card number associated with that token, to assist inthe prevention of fraud and identity theft. Certain Services on our Site willbe unavailable to you if you decline to submit payment information.


Our Services may contain hyperlinks to websites orservices that are not under our ownership or control, and these websites orservices may contain hyperlinks to our Services. Our Services may also includefeatures that allow you to share Content on other websites and social mediaplatforms. However, we do not endorse any other websites or services, or any oftheir privacy policies or practices, in any way through these links andfeatures. Other websites or services may collect information from you when youvisit or use them, such as through the use of web beacons, cookies, or similartechnologies. We recommend that you review the privacy policies of otherwebsites and services that you visit or use in order to become aware of theirpractices.


The United Kingdom is the location of LAC SHOP'sheadquarters. Our Users, service providers, and other third parties with whomyou may interact in connection with our Services, including galleries and otherorganisations that use our Services as exhibitors or sellers, may be situatedin the United Kingdom and other countries worldwide. These countries may notprovide the same level of protection for Personal Information as the UnitedKingdom. You consent to the transfer and processing of your information in theUnited Kingdom and any other country or jurisdiction by accessing or using ourServices.


Our Services are not intended for minors under the ageof 16, and we do not intentionally collect Personal Information fromindividuals in this age group. Please send an email to if you suspect that we have collected PersonalInformation from an individual under the age of 16.


In certain jurisdictions, individuals are granted theright to access or modify the personal information that a company maintainsabout them. We will respect any statutory right you may have to access orcorrect your Personal Information that we have in our records. You may submitsuch requests via email to If an administrativefee is required to fulfil your request, we will inform you upon receipt of yourrequest, as permitted by applicable law. Nevertheless, it is important toacknowledge that we may decline requests that are unreasonably repetitive,would necessitate disproportionate technical effort (e.g., the development of anew system or the material modification of an existing practice), wouldjeopardise the privacy of others, or would be extremelyimpractical to fulfill (for example, requests to access information located onbackup systems).


As this Policyis a component of our Terms and Conditions, any disputes between you and usthat pertain to privacy or the use of your information and are derived from orassociated with this Policy or our Services will be governed by our Terms andConditions, which include any provisions regarding the limitation of damagesand liability, choice of law, and dispute resolution.Please be advised that you are entitled to file acomplaint with the data protection regulator in your country.


Our business evolves over time, and for the samereason, our Privacy Policy will undergo modifications. We reserve the right tomodify this Policy, including our Cookie Policy, at any time, without priornotice, at our sole discretion. For instance, and without restriction, we maymodify this Policy to correspond with modifications to our Services or to thelaw. All modifications to this Policy will be effective upon their publicationon our Services or at a later date specified in the updated Policy. We willnotify you of any modifications to this Policy by posting the updated Policy onour Services. You are responsible for reviewing this Policy on a regular basisand informing yourself of all relevant changes. You consent to the changes andthe updated Policy by continuing to utilise our Services following theeffective date of any modifications to this Policy. The current version of this Policy will apply to all information that we have about you, unless we informyou otherwise.


Cookies, Web Beacons, andSimilar Technologies:
Wemay employ cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies, such as trackingURLs, to gather information regarding the manner in which you or othersinteract with our Services, Content, emails, and advertisements that aredisplayed on or off our Services. This information is used to operate, develop,improve, and personalise our Services, Content, and marketing, includingadvertisements that are displayed on or off our Services. Although the majorityof browsers automatically approve cookies, your browser may have the ability todecline or delete cookies on your device. Please be advised that the denial ofcookies may result in the inability to sign in, customise, or utilise certaininteractive features of our Services, as certain features of our Servicesnecessitate cookies to function successfully.

What are these technologies?:
“Cookies" are small data filesthat are stored on your computer or other device and are used to recordinformation. For instance, a cookie may facilitate the identification of yourbrowser by our Services, while another cookie may be used to record youraccount preferences and other information in order to enhance the customisationof our Services. We may employ two types of cookies: "sessioncookies" and "persistent cookies." Session cookies typicallyexpire when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain on yourdevice until they are deleted or expire. "Web beacons" (also referredto as "pixel tags" or "clear GIFS") are pixel or codeelements that are incorporated into an email or web page to monitor theengagement with and responses to emails, web pages, or advertisements, as wellas to access or communicate with cookies. "Tracking URLs" are uniqueURLs that can be employed to monitor the engagement with and responses toemails or web pages.

Modifications to this Cookie Policy:
As this Cookie Policy is a component of our PrivacyPolicy, we reserve the right to modify it at any time in accordance with theterms of our Privacy Policy. To ensure that you are informed of any updates,please review this Cookie Policy on a regular basis.


If you have any questions or comments regarding ourPrivacy Policy or our privacy practices, would like to know what PersonalInformation we hold about you, or would like to update, delete, or requestaccess to such Personal Information, please contact us via email at or by postal mail at London art collective, 83Kings Cross Road, London, UK.

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