Find answers to the most common questions here.

1. How do I buy on LAC SHOP?

When viewing an artwork,locate the "Purchase" or "Make an Offer" icon on theartwork page. The work is no longer available for purchase if a button is notvisible.

2. Secure Checkout

LACSHOP offers a secure checkout process through our purchasing options—Purchase,Make Offer, and Make Offer in Inquiries—which enables collectors toeffortlessly negotiate prices with LAC and acquire new works with the touch ofa button. Our comprehensive consumer protections ensure that every purchasemade exclusively through LAC SHOP's secure checkout is the most secure optionfor purchasing the art you cherish.

3. A Guide to Unpacking Fine Art at Home / UnpackingGuidelines

It is crucial to exercisecaution when unpacking your artwork to prevent any potential damage. We areoffering the following advice regarding the unpacking process: 

General advice: 
•    Before handling an artwork,ensure that you cleanse and dry your hands.
•    Open the package on a clean,flat, and clear surface that is free of pens, pencils, scissors, water, andfood to prevent any transfer of or injury to the artwork.
•    Avoid cutting directly intothe container when opening or removing tape, as this may cause the artwork tobe scratched or cut. Instead, insert the box cutter at an angle that creates anopening without impacting the lower layers, gingerly.
•    Remove the tape or adhesivefrom your workspace to ensure that nothing adheres to the artwork.
•    To prevent the artwork frombeing scratched or bending corners, proceed carefully when removing packingmaterials that come into direct contact with it. 

Unpacking a tube: 
•    Remove one end of the tubeand gently tilt it to allow the artwork to partially glide out.
•    It is advisable to refrainfrom grasping or pinching the artwork, as this could potentially cause thepaper to crease, dent, or disintegrate.
•    Gently and gradually tightenthe coil if necessary to eliminate the work. Instead of the artwork, retrievethe packaging paper if it is present.
•    Heavy, clean objects may bepositioned on the extremities to flatten the artwork. To prevent damage duringflattening, it is advisable to place a clean, inkless piece of packaging paperbetween the artwork and the objects, if feasible.

4. How are taxes, customs, VAT, and import feeshandled on works listed with secure checkout?

Our system willautomatically calculate and apply the applicable UK sales and use tax to yourtotal at checkout, irrespective of the Artist's location. We would be delighted toprovide you with assistance. Please contact our team at info@londonartcollective.com with your tax resalecertificate. Value-added tax (VAT) isincluded in the advertised price for works shipping from the UK and EU. Pleasebe advised that LAC SHOP does not offer assistance with VAT reclamation. Lastly, it is important toconsider that any purchases that are shipped internationally may be subject toadditional export, import, and customs duties, as well as internationaltaxation. The shipping provider will directly invoice the customer for thesecharges. The buyer is responsible for their payment.

5. Payment Methods/Checkout and Payment: What are the payment methods thatyou accept?

The following payment mechanismsare accepted by LAC SHOP:
•   Visa
•   Bank Transfer
•   MasterCard
•   American Express
•   ApplePay
•   GooglePay
Bank WireTransfer (Inquire about bank wire transfers by emailing info@londonartcollective.com or calling +44 7813 065165 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM GMT Monday throughSaturday.)

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