Tufted rug
80 x 120 cm

GBP £3,000

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About the Work

Sometimes, it is just nice to celebrate joy. In the middle of the pandemic, Lazerwitz wanted a bit of a respite from her normal themes of terrorism, government secrecy and violence and just wanted to make something... well a bit lighter. Earlier, she had received a strange letter in the post in which a person had reached out to ask if she had any small works available and had included a stamp post card with the option to tick yes or no. Lazerwitz was so charmed with this note that she created a small embroidered version of what would become this piece and attached it to the back of the postcard with the box ticked yes (of course). In return, she got a note of thanks, £30 and a chocolate bar. The best payment Lazerwitz has ever received. In honor of that, Lazerwitz created this larger piece which just shows the joy of that action. The image itself is actually taken from the final page of the original print copy of Ulysses – another moment celebrating joy and ecstasy.

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