"In 2020, the creation of this series commenced, signifying a journey of self- cognition and transformation. It embarked upon an exploration that originated within the context of the artist's original family and extended to an examination of self-worth. This series has been a steadfast companion throughout the artist's personal evolution. The artist transitioned from a phase of self-deprecation to one characterised by an earnest endeavour to embrace her true self. As a woman from Chaoshan area (where people value males and belittle females), she confronted the disparities in educational opportunities between genders and sought to establish her place in society. Themes of sexuality and emotional turmoil found expression in her work. The artist contemplated the pervasive loneliness brought about by the rapidly evolving society. The artist transitioned from a phase of self-deprecation to one characterised by an earnest endeavour to embrace her true self. As a woman from Chaoshan area (where people value males and belittle females), she confronted the disparities in educational opportunities between genders and sought to establish her place in society. Themes of sexuality and emotional turmoil found expression in her work. The artist contemplated the pervasive loneliness brought about by the rapidly evolving society."
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